Sunday, April 7, 2013

Hanging Out at "The Corner of Happy and Healthy" with Walgreens, #BalanceRewards #cbias

It's been a long, cold, snowy winter here in Connecticut and that does not make it easy to stay on a healthy eating or exercise plan.   But now the warmer weather is just around the corner and that means shorts,
t-shirts and the dreaded... bathing suits!   The thought of all that  puts a  fire under my butt to get back on track with eating healthy and getting outside to walk.

This year I have a little extra fuel to that fire.  I am planning my 25th High School reunion in October and would really like to look and feel my best for that as well.  

I had just heard about Walgreens new Steps With Balance Program  and how you can earn points on your Balance Rewards card that you can in turn be used to purchase whatever you want at a Walgreens store or online.  It's a win-win in my book!
It's a great way to keep yourself on track and earn a reward at the same time!

It's so easy (and free) to sign up for.   You can even do it right on the Walgreens App like I did.

Here's a quick video from Allison Sweeney, the host of The Biggest Loser explaining the program and the rewards!

As if getting healthy and earning rewards isn't enough, Walgreens is also giving you a chance to win a trip to your choice of one of the four Biggest Loser Resorts.   Wow, that could be a LIFE CHANGER!  
You can log on everyday for your chance at an instant prize.  And let me tell you, the instant prizes are no joke!  They are awesome!  

I don't know about you, but I'm heading to Walgreens right now to find some stuff to help me get going on this plan of mine!  I've only got 70-something days until Summer and about 180-something days until my High School reunion.  YIKES, I better get going! 

To check out what I found at Walgreens you can see pictures from my whole shopping trip on Google+
For other real stories by real people in the Social Fabric Community you have to check out the Fun page on AisleShare
If you want to, you can also "like" Walgreens on Facebook or "follow" them on Twitter to get the latest on everything you need to stay Happy and Healthy!  

I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Walgreens. #cbias #SocialFabric #BalanceRewards

1 comment:

  1. Perfect timing for me as well! I'm off to check out that app! Thanks for sharing. :)
