Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Weigh-In Wednesday : Jan. 28th

Ugh... that wasn't really the result I was hoping for but I'm not shocked by it either.  I had only tracked my points for one day this week.  I just can't seem to get in the habit of tracking.  I have the app on my phone.  Hell, it even sends me notifications every night!  

On a positive note, despite the cold temps and "The Great Blizzard of 2015, I was able to get out and go for a walk a few times earlier in the week.   Even though it never got above freezing, the sun was shining and it just felt so good to breathe in some fresh air.  I can't wait for Spring so I can get out and walk more often.  (Only 50 more days... but who's counting?)  

At tonight's meeting we talked about setting goals and how we can make them more realistic and obtainable.  I know I've already set a long-term goal of losing 18 more pounds by my birthday in May, but I thought it might be a good idea to set small weekly goals for myself. 
Thinking about my eating this past week, I decided that I want to try the Simply Filling plan to get my eating on a more healthy track.    Sure, I can stay within my points every day but having them consist of snacks, pizza and low sugar ice cream isn't going to get me to my birthday goal.   

So my leader Cathy made me a challenge, to eat and track following the Simply Filling plan for 3 out of the next 7 days and bring it to her at next Wednesday's meeting.  I can do that.  I am also going to track my points plus values for the other 4 days and bring those too.  This challenge will be all old school, I'm actually going to write it in a tracker instead of using my phone.  

It's going to be a challenge for sure, but I'm going to kick butt this week and prove I can do it!   

What's your biggest weight loss challenge?  What goals have you set for yourself?  Want to connect? I'd love to give and get support.  

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Weigh-In Wednesday

I just realized that today Jan 21st, is my 21st week back on Weight Watchers.   I'm not sure if that's some sort of "sign" or something, but I'm going to take it as one.   It has not been easy at all, as you can see by this week's weigh in, I gained.   I kinda knew that was going to happen, it's been a week of emotional eating, not really tracking and no extra activity.   Although over the holidays I had lost 2.4 pounds, I ate a lot of sweets.   Let me tell ya, trying to kick a sugar addiction is a hard as hell.       

In the beginning of January I wanted to set a goal of losing 45 pounds by my 45th birthday which is at the end of May.    Sounded good to me, but that would mean I'd have to lose at least 2.5 pounds each week.    My Weight Watchers leader told me that it's unrealistic and I'd be setting myself up for a let-down.  After thinking about it, she's right.   I have to take a more manageable approach to this long-term goal.    

With all that in mind, I counted the weeks til my birthday and it's 18.   If I can lose another 18 pounds (just 1 pound per week) that would put my total weight loss at a little over 30 pounds.  I'd be happy with that!  

So, in order to make sure I stay on track and hit this goal I'm going to concentrate on one new healthy habit each week.    

At this week's Weight Watchers meeting we talked about "Partying Without Panic."  Obviously it's getting us ready to tackle all the food and drinks that are at Super Bowl parties.   This doesn't really apply to me because we normally stay home and watch the game.   But we go to and have parties all year long, so in the spirit of committing myself wholeheartedly to this process I'm going to find, make and figure out the points plus values for two "party" recipes. (1 appetizer, 1 dessert)   Oh, my leader Cathy is going to be so happy with me and of course I'll share it here on my next Weigh-In Wednesday post.  
Are you on a weight loss journey?  I'd love to connect, give and get support. 


Saturday, January 17, 2015

My "One Word" For 2015 Is....

I really like the idea of coming up with one word instead of resolutions for the new year.  Let's face it, everyone's list is basically the same....

  • lose weight 
  • exercise 
  • eat healthier 
  • save more money
  • organize home/life 

Of course I am working on all of the above, but I've been thinking about one word that could sum up how I want to look at 2015.

I'm not sure where I first saw transform, but once I did, I couldn't get it out of my head.

Definition:  "To make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance or character of."

A thorough or dramatic change!  To me, those words are powerful.  It's the perfect way to describe what I want for myself this year.   I mean that's it, I want to transform myself, my thought processes, my surroundings, etc.  

I'm going to print out my one word Transform with the definition, in some sort of fancy font, frame it and hang it up somewhere in my house so I can see it everyday.  (I'll post the project when it's complete next week)

Having that one word to look at throughout the year will remind me of the goals I've set for myself whether it be a physical, personal or financial one.  I believe it will make more of an impact and look nicer then a list I make on a piece of paper that I eventually throw in the garbage because it becomes clutter that I swore I'd clean out in my January resolutions.   (HaHa..see how that works?) 

Have you thought about what your one word will be?   It truly is amazing how one word can change your whole outlook on life.